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for the Carver Policy Governance® Model

Published Materials on the Carver Policy Governance® Model

On this page you will find published materials that are conceptually consistent with the Policy Governance® model. Most are by John Carver and Miriam Carver. John Carver has authored over 200 articles and authored or co-authored five books and 13 monographs on management and governance, a bibliographical total we believe to be exceeded by no other governance thinker worldwide. Miriam Carver has authored or co-authored three books and numerous articles and monographs on governance.

For a complete list of John Carver publications go to Bibliographies: John Carver.
A complete list of Miriam Carver publications can be accessed on Bibliographies: Miriam Carver.


  The Policy Governance® Model: An Introduction by John and Miriam Carver. 2008.
  • This DVD, produced by Miriam Carver and the International Policy Governance Association, features John and Miriam Carver explaining the Policy Governance model in five modules.

    Order from the International Policy Governance® Association (IPGA).

  Boards That Make a Difference: A New Design for Leadership in Nonprofit and Public Organizations (Jossey-Bass, 1990; 2nd edition, 1997; 3rd edition, 2006). By John Carver.
  • This book is the "flagship" explanation of the Policy Governance model as it relates to nonprofit and governmental boards. It is the single most inclusive text on the model.

  Reinventing Your Board: A Step-By-Step Guide to Implementing Policy Governance. Co-authored with Miriam Carver. (Jossey-Bass, 1997; revised edition, 2006). By John Carver and Miriam Carver.

  • This hands-on guide is a "how to do it" text meant to help boards or their consultants with the practical issues of implementation.

  Corporate Boards That Create Value: Governing Company Performance from the Boardroom (Jossey-Bass, July, 2002). Co-authored with Caroline Oliver. Order from Jossey-Bass or from online booksellers such as Barnes & Noble, or Amazon. [Published in Portuguese as Conselhos de Administração que Geram Valor: Dirigindo o Desempenho da Empresa a Partir do Conselho by Editora Cultrix, São Paulo.  Order online at www.pensamento-cultrix.com.br]. By John Carver and Caroline Oliver.
  • For the first time in book form—the Policy Governance model as applied to business corporations. Foreword by Sir Adrian Cadbury.
Read more about this book and what leaders in corporate governance are saying about it.

  The Board Member's Playbook: Using Policy Governance to Solve Problems, Make Decisions, and Build a Stronger Board. By Miriam Carver and Bill Charney. (Jossey-Bass, January 2004) Order from Jossey-Bass or from online booksellers.

  • This book enables boards to build and maintain governance skills with carefully crafted exercises (rehearsals), using a simple question and answer sequence. The workbook includes worksheets and an accompanying CD-ROM. Foreword by John Carver.

  John Carver on Board Leadership: Selected Writings From the Creator of the World's Most Provocative and Systematic Governance Model (Jossey-Bass, 2001). By John Carver. You are encouraged to order directly from Barnes & Noble or from Amazon.
  • This anthology brings together over 100 articles authored by John Carver in many journals in several countries. It is a library of Carver thought on various issues of governance theory across a range of applications. Foreword by Sir Adrian Cadbury.

  Carver Policy Governance Guide series (Jossey-Bass, 2009) by John Carver and Miriam Carver
  • These six booklets deal with several important governance topics, each as an integral part of the Policy Governance model. The series updates, expands, and provides new illustrations to replace the previous twelve booklet CarverGuides. For an overview of these Guides, click here. Visit the bookstore on JosseyBass.com to save 20% on the Policy Governance Guides at http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-3428921-10664184

    The Policy Governance Model and the Role of the Board Member
    Ends and the Ownership
    The Governance of Financial Management
    Adjacent Leadership Roles: CGO and CEO
    Evaluating CEO and Board Performance
    Implementing Policy Governance and Staying on Track

  The Policy Governance Fieldbook: Practical Lessons, Tips, and Tools from the Experience of Real-World Boards Caroline Oliver (ed.), Mike Conduff, Susan Edsall, Carol Gabanna, Randee Loucks, Denise Paszkiewicz, Catherine Raso, and Linda Stier. (Jossey-Bass, 1999).
  • This book details the experience of eleven diverse organizations in the U.S. and Canada in implementing the Policy Governance model. The authors (attended the Policy Governance Academy) apply their proficiency in theory and application to make this a skillful collection of case studies. Foreword by John Carver.

  Getting Started with Policy Governance: Bringing Purpose, Integrity, and Efficiency to Your Board. By Caroline Oliver (Jossey-Bass, 2009).
  • This book coaches the implementation of Policy Governance, using tips and specially designed tools. Foreword by John Carver.

  School Board Leadership 2000: The Things Staff Didn't Tell You At Orientation. By Gene Royer (1996).
  • Gene Royer, participant in the Policy Governance Academy, melds his knowledge of Policy Governance with his own fertile sense of humor into an entertaining and model-consistent treatise on school governance. Foreword by John Carver.

  Governance for Health System Trustees. By Jannice Moore. Ottawa: Canadian Healthcare Association Press, 2004. Order from http://www.governancecoach.com
  • This book is geared specifically to the needs of health system governors, based on the author's practical experience applying the Policy Governance model to the boards of health care organizations. Foreword by John Carver.

  Verantwoord besturen. By Jan Maas & Helmie van Ravestein, 2006.
  • This book is the first comprehensive description of the Policy Governance model in Dutch: its theory, methods, and instruments; and what it has to offer to Dutch board structures and governance issues. Foreword by John Carver.

    For information and ordering: www.maasgovernance.com

  The OnTarget Board Member: 8 Indisputable Behaviors. By Mike Conduff, Carol Gabanna, Catherine Raso. Now in its fourth edition. Denton, Tex.: Elim Group Publishing, 2007.
  • This fable traces a board member's experience of "discovery and accomplishment" learning board leadership the Policy Governance way. Foreword by Larry C. Spears.

    Order from www.CMRaso.com.


Jossey-Bass Publications can be purchased at http://www.josseybass.com
or by phoning 415-433-1740 or 800-762-2974.

Bibliographies: John Carver | Miriam Carver


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